Healthy Life

Healthy Life

Home Remedies For Sinus Congestion

Sinus Congestion usually known as Rhinitis, blocks either one or more than one of the four sinus passages in the skull. The causes are many but the common ones being swelling in the nose, overgrown bone in the nose or it can be due to continuous dripping of mucilage through the nose. It can be

Healthy Life

6 Health Problems That Can Cause Bruises On Your Body

What should you do if you have bruises on your skin for no reason? Why does this happen and should you be worried? If you have bruises, it’s because the capillaries are very thin. What causes this? 7. Weight training, lifting heavy things Lifting weights is a secondary reason for bruises. It means that is

Healthy Life

The ONE Thing That May Be Causing Your Back Pain

What if that backache pain that you feel is easily fixed by increasing your intake of one vitamin? You may not realize it, but it’s easy to mistake lower back pain as a sign of an injury. Joint pain can also mimic symptoms of this vitamin deficiency. In the winter, most of the northern hemisphere

Healthy Life

10 Home Remedies To Regrow Hair On Bald Patches

Baldness refers to excessive hair loss from the scalp. Disturbances in the hair growth cycle can lead to baldness. Earlier, baldness was associated with old age, but today, even young people are affected by it. Bad lifestyle choices, including a lack of proper nutrition and stress, has made baldness all-pervasive. While it is common in

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